It aims to demystify the principles and some of the more challenging techniques for creating functional, predictable and aesthetic indirect restorations both anteriorly and posteriorly.

Whilst concentrating on the ‘hands-on element’, the topics covered will include:
Principles of tooth preparation.
All-ceramic restorations (including veneers and provisionalisation).
Porcelain-bonded restorations.
It also seeks to challenge some of the more conventional views on indications for indirect restorations.
Preparations cut by the delegates will be scanned using the “prep assist” and appraised with relevance to clinical consequences of the features integral to the preparation.
At the end delegates will have a clear understanding of precision tooth preparation and have the chance to improve upon their existing techniques.
Registration is at 9:15am and the course starts at 9:30am. Expected finish time is 4:30pm.
The course takes place at LonDEC. Please see https://www.londec.co.uk/directions/