This course aims to impart delegates with the necessary skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat cases of Tooth Wear in General Dental Practice. An array of practical techniques will be taught, which permit contingency planning. It also aims to explain clinical and applied occlusion.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course delegates should:
Have an understanding of the practical considerations of clinical occlusion in relation to the treatment of the worn dentition, including the taking of facebow and inter-occlusal records, finding centric relation, articulator selection and the concept of relative axial movement ‘Dahl phenomenon’.
Be able to assess and diagnose pathological tooth wear.
Be able to determine which cases require active restorative intervention, and where passive management (prevention and monitoring) would suffice.
Be able to effectively treatment plan for the management of wear cases, including the ability to apply established principals of aesthetics and occlusal stability to attain predictable outcomes.
Understand the merits and drawbacks of the differing treatment protocols, materials (metal alloys, ceramic and resin) and techniques used to restore the worn dentition, including the use of conventionally and adhesively retained indirect restorations.
Develop the skills and knowledge to treat worn localized and generalized Tooth Wear.
Course USPs
Comprehensive course covering both theory and practical with the practical component based at the world class dental postgraduate teaching centre – LonDEC.
Course speakers have several years’ clinical experience with the treatment of wear cases in general dental practice.
Course speakers are experienced teachers of Tooth Wear at a Master’s level, and have published extensively in peer reviewed journals and lectured nationally and internationally on this subject.
Who is this course for:
Practitioners interested in the treatment of Tooth Wear in their day to day practice.
Clinicians wishing to develop their knowledge of practical occlusion.
Practitioners who would like to treat suitable cases at their practice rather than refer, and have the potential to increase their revenue and treatment satisfaction.
Registration is at 9:15am and the course starts at 9:30am. Expected finish time is 4:30pm.