Aesthetic treatment is the focus for many patients attendance to the dentist. The role of the dentist is to ensure health is optimal, but to also be equipped with the tools and options in how to plan improvements in the patients smile.
Whitening is a simple and effective method to improve patients appearance, but also compliance.
Discussion regarding opitmal smile aesthetics will also be carried out in order to understand and execute the optimal treatment for patients.
However additional novel minimally invasive approaches to improve patients smiles will also be discussed, such as ICON resin infiltration.

You will learn how to:
Diagnose and offer options on how to improve patients smiles.
Understand the role of whitening and the relevance during smile design planning.
Provide a staple protocol for optimisation of tooth colour in simple and complex cases.
Understand the role of resin-infiltration in today's minimally invasive restorative dentistry
Learn to use resin infiltration.